Brand Studio has helped the client make the transition to digital, by creating and maintaining the web version of the magazine, a microsite housed within the larger NUS Alumni Relations website.
The digital version is a HTML website that allows for video content and other interactive features. An Electronic Direct Mailer is also blasted to the reader database with the publication of each issue.
The digital version is a HTML website that allows for video content and other interactive features.
Client: National University of Singapore
Platform: www.nus.edu.sg/alumnet/thealumnus
The quarterly edition features articles on trends, research initiatives and global affairs. It also presents updates on NUS initiatives, events on campus and programmes of the Alumni Association.
The publication — which has a readership of over 300,000 worldwide — serves as a community engagement tool that allows NUS alumni from across the world to stay abreast of developments at their alma mater.
Client: National University of Singapore
Platform: Customised Publishing