The digital publication featured individuals who had 'Raised Their Dating Game' and found love. The interviewees also shared their advice for people who are in similar situations.
The microsite featured profiles of people who overcame the odds in their pursuit of love, and also included a self-assessment tool to help readers determine their own level of 'openness'. This was accompanied by facts and supporting trivia.
Besides interviews and photo galleries, each profile was accompanied by advice from leading dating experts.
Client: HELLO LOVE Platform: cna.asia
Also embedded within the microsite were eight podcasts featuring celebrity couples sharing their own insights on love and relationships.
Each of the podcasts centred on a particular aspect/topic, with 'share' buttons for listeners to post the content on their own social media channels.
Client: HELLO LOVE Platform: Podcasts
The microsite was linked to a wider 'Hello Love' aggregator portal that featured videos, radio spots, social media posts and event-based content.
Readers were encouraged to post and share their own sentiments under hashtags such as #hellolove.
Client: HELLO LOVE Platform: facebook