Reach over 300,000 Malays with Runcit – Suria’s latest drama on the hot topic of social integration
Runcit is set to boost ratings as it features the highly-relatable issues of foreigners living in Singapore. TX 17 July.
Suria’s dramas are specially tailored for the Malay community and aim to captivate viewers with engaging stories that appeal to all ages! The latest, Runcit, deals with the highly-relatable issues of foreigners in Singapore and the challenges faced to integrate them into the local community. The drama aims to help newcomers better understand local culture and social norms, at the same time encourage locals to be more open to diversity by welcoming foreigners.
With high projected ratings of 8% - 11% Malay 4+, the story’s main plot revolves around Hassan, the owner of an old-fashioned provision shop, struggling to stay relevant as he faces increasing competition from a new store in the area that appeals not only to a younger crowd but also to foreigners and expatriates. As the plot unfolds, there will be abundant opportunities for brands in the pharmaceutical, toiletries, food and beverages sectors to be showcased within the stories.
Suria is the #1 Malay channel that reaches over 300,000 Malay viewers during prime time. At only CPM $15, it is at least 570% more cost effective than other Malay cable channels! Ask your Mediacorp sales representative on how you can best position your brand in front of the important and growing Malay community!