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Kristine Lim Zhi Ying

Kristine Lim Zhi Ying

Kristine leads the Youth Editorial Product, a digital initiative bringing news and current affairs to the social media generation. A bilingual media personality, Kristine also hosts current affairs programme Focus. Over her career, she worked as Channel 8’s prime time news anchor and Channel NewsAsia’s correspondent based in Beijing China. 

She also helmed special programs such as coverage of the Singapore General Election 2020, Singapore General Election 2015, ministerial talk show Ministers On Air and reports on the passing of founding Prime Minister Lee Kuan Yew. 

As a foreign affairs correspondent, she covered overseas visits by the Singapore Prime Minister and cabinet ministers, filing reports from China and the United States on topics such as bilateral and great power relations.

She has also been a commentator for Singapore’s annual National Day Parade since 2017, providing live commentary for the four- hour show.

Kristine spent three years in China as Channel NewsAsia’s overseas correspondent during which she covered breaking news such as the disappearance of MH370. Other works include reports and analyses on key issues such as the Chinese leadership transition, anti-corruption drive and foreign policy.

Earlier as a journalist in Singapore, Kristine covered a wide range of stories, from political, business to social issues. Her breaking news coverage of the oil spill off Singapore was awarded Best News Story at MediaCorp’s Annual Excellence Awards in 2010.

Radio was really her first love. She started out her journalism career as a Producer- Presenter for Radio Singapore International in 2006.

Kristine graduated with a Master’s degree in International Relations from the S. Rajaratnam School of International Studies, after obtaining a Bachelor’s Degree from the National University of Singapore Business School.


稚瑛是时事评论节目《焦点》主持人,深入浅出分析国际大小事。她也是新传媒青年平台策略 总监,喜欢钻研不同的说故事方式。作为全方位新闻人,她在中英语新闻时事节目中担任过编 辑、记者和主持,曾派驻海外担任亚洲新闻台驻中国通讯员。

稚瑛是前《晚间新闻》主播,也曾主持新闻杂志节目《晨光第一线》、访谈节目《狮城有约》 和《空中访民情》。她也主持特备节目,如《总统选举2023开票夜》、《新加坡大选2020开票 夜》、《新加坡大选2015开票夜》和建国总理李光耀逝世系列报道。

除了新闻时事节目,稚瑛连续五年为全国年度大型节目《新加坡国庆庆典》现场旁述,包括在 疫情中举行的国庆庆典2020和2021。她也主持论坛与大型活动,包括《淡马锡国际论坛》和 《部长对话会》。

稚瑛拥有丰富的海外采访经验。她多次担任新加坡总理和内阁成员海外访问随团记者,特派中 国和美国等地,探讨政治与外交课题。深入现场实地采访,她对台湾总统选举2020和两岸关系 进行了现场报道和剖析,也深入孟加拉贫民窟制作气候变化系列。追踪报道过的突发新闻,包 括马航MH370的失踪。她善于热点课题的分析报道,作品包括中国领导人交替、反腐和外交政策 等。

而电台广播是她的“初恋”。她2006 年入行,在当时的新加坡国际广播电台担任编导兼主持。 稚瑛毕业自中正中学(总校)和淡马锡初级学院。她拥有拉惹勒南国际关系学院硕士(国际关 系)学位和新加坡国立大学商学院学士学位。
