Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
About the CFP
- Q. Does this CFP include ideas for KIDS programmes?
A. Yes, it does. - Q. If we miss this CFP, will there be more CFPs in the year ahead?
A. Yes, there will be other CFPs in the next year, but the scope of the CFPs might differ and / or cater to specific needs. However, we look to hold a call of such scale only on an annual basis. - Q. Does this CFP include submissions for factual content, specifically for CNA?
A. This CFP does not include concepts for CNA. We are looking for General Entertainment concepts suitable for all other platforms. - Q. Can we submit our concept for a specific language?
A. Yes, you may. It is necessary for you to indicate the language for which you are submitting the concept for as the ‘primary language’. Please indicate a secondary language (optional) in the submission form if your concept consists of other languages. - Q. When will we be notified of the outcome of the submissions?
A. The Commissioning Team will progressively notify Creatives on the outcome of the submissions from February 2024 onwards. If successful, shortlisted PHs will be required to attend the Face-to-Face Pitches to commence from March 2024.
- Q. We have a great idea for a returning series. Can we submit the concept as part of this CFP?
A. The scope of this CFP is for NEW ideas/concepts. If you have a proposal for a returning series, please reach us directly at - Q. Can we submit ideas/concepts which have been previously submitted to Mediacorp through previous CFPs?
A. Yes, but do consider why these proposals were not selected previously, and what updates you have made that would have us select them this round. - Q. The focus on Creatives Assembly this year is on Artificial Intelligence and Virtual Production, does this mean Mediacorp only accept concepts that incorporate these technologies?
A. No, the talk on AI & VP is just to provide insights to the tools and trends that are available which may help enhance productions. It is not mandatory for concepts to apply such technologies. - Q. Are we required to submit content extension ideas as part of the submission?
A. PHs should include all planned elements of the concept or idea as part of the submission. Content extension ideas are a good-to-have, but not mandatory. - Q. Can we submit co-production concepts / proposals?
A. We welcome good co-production ideas. As co-productions are dependent on the business model that all parties must agree with, it is also dependent on the production investments from the partners. If you have a confirmed / prospective co-production partner(s), kindly state that upfront to facilitate a suitable discussion with us and relevant partners. - Q. Are there any limitations to Classification of Content (ie: content ratings PG13/NC16/M18/R21)?
A. Please propose the ratings that is most suitable for your concept/idea and clearly state the reasons that warrants it. - Q. What platforms are you commissioning for?
A. We are commissioning for all Mediacorp platforms – free-to-air channels, digital platforms such as meWATCH and meLISTEN, as well as third-party platforms such as YouTube, Instagram and TikTok. - Q. Is there a cap to content budgets?
A. No, but please consider what is a meaningful and reasonable budget that would allow you to best execute your idea for the intended audience. Evaluation Criteria - Q. What is the evaluation criteria for the CFP?
A. The evaluation of concepts will be based on 4 broad criteria of: • Creativity (40%) • Engagement (30%) • Budget (20%) • Key Creatives (10%) - Q. We are a new PH and/or have not produced for Mediacorp prior to this. Will that be a disadvantage?
A. In the case of PHs who have never worked with Mediacorp, the Commissioning Team will evaluate the concepts based on the experience of the key personnel of the team. Thus, it is important for PHs to provide sufficient details and/or accolades of the team as part of the submission form. - Q. Will Mediacorp be open to share the reason for rejecting proposals with the applicants concerned?
A. Results of all successful and unsuccessful submissions will be communicated to creatives. Given the large volume of submissions, we might not be able to provide reasons for each and every concept submitted. However, if you feel strongly about a particular concept and would like to seek feedback from the commissioning team, you may write in to and our commissioning editors will get back to you.
Submission Details
- Q. What is the submission process?
A. Simply proceed to to submit your concepts to us via our online submission form. The submission period is open from 16 November 2023, 1800Hr to 11 January 2024, 2359Hr. Kindly note that email submissions will not be valid. - Q. The submission form requires minimal information. Can we provide more details about my concept?
A. You may share a link to a cloud/drive that allows us to access to more materials. However, do note that the details provided in the submission form will be the first filter. Thus, please ensure that all mandatory fields of the form are populated. - Q. If there are multiple partners co-submitting the idea, how should we reflect that in our submission form?
A. In such a scenario, decide on a key contact and indicate it clearly in the submission form. Do also include details of which other partners are coming together d indicate their role in the submission form. Do note that you need not submit multiple submissions of the same concept. - Q. We have an excellent original idea/format, but I do not belong to / am not represented by a Production House. Can we still submit my proposal?
A. In order to qualify, you may partner with a locally registered Production House who is an adoptee of the Tripartite Standard on Procurement of Services from Media Freelancers (TS Media Freelancers) in order to submit a concept. Mediacorp commissions require a local workforce representation of minimally 50%. - Q. We are a non-Singaporean company. Can we send in our submissions for the CFP?
A. As above. - Q. Can we send concepts that I am submitting to Mediacorp via this CFP, to other networks concurrently?
A. Yes, but let us know when you do so. - Q. What language(s) can we submit our concept in under the submission form?
A. It is mandatory for all concepts to be written and submitted in English, but you are welcome to submit additional materials written in Chinese, Malay or Tamil through a cloud-shared drive. - Q. What is the maximum number of concepts that we can submit as part of this CFP?
A. There are no restrictions to the number of concepts to be submitted. - Q. Who can we contact if the submission form is not working?
A. Please write in to and we will get back to you within 3 working days.