Zhang Ze Tong

January 22
Mandarin, English
Acting, Hosting, Basketball
Zhang Ze Tong is a Singapore actor who joined Star Search 2019, a Singapore TV talent show. He emerged as the champion after delivering a standout performance that impressed both the judges and audiences and began his acting career from then on. Ze Tong wowed the panel of judges comprising of Hong Kong superstars Carina Lau, Simon Yam and Stephen Fung.
Barely a month after his win, he participated in the filming of All Around You as the first male lead. Followed by subsequent involvements in A Jungle Survivor and Slow Dancing (an English blockbuster collaboration with e-reading giant Wattpad) which saw him taking on major challenging roles. His recent work includes The Takedown as an ex-drug addict, a badass millionaire in All That Glitters and an English production, Sisters of The Night.
At Star Awards 2024, Ze Tong became the biggest winner, bagging 3 awards of the night - Best Supporting Actor, Most Popular Rising Star and Most Hated Villain awards. Ze Tong also won Best Supporting Actor (National Winner), at Asian Academy Creative Awards, for the same role. He will be competing with other actors from the region for the overall winner position.
Ze Tong's portrayal of Richard Mo, captivated audiences and eventually won him the prestigious Best Supporting Actor award. His dedication to his craft and ability to bring depth to his role has solidified his place as a rising star in the entertainment industry.
A rising star in the industry, Ze Tong is set to deliver standout performances in his future projects, which includes blockbuster Emerald Hill, where he is playing the lead role.
Social Accounts
2024 小娘惹之翡翠山 Emerald Hill
浴水重生 Hope Afloat
2023 金色大道 All That Glitters
Last Madame: Sisters of The Night (English)
2022 你也可以是天使 4 You Can Be An Angel 4
愚人计划 First of April
医生不是神 Healing Heroes
2021 肃战肃绝 The Take Down
关键证人 Key Witness
Slow Dancing (English)
2020 森林生存记 A Jungle Survivor
回路网 All Around You
2020 与你澳游 Aus-some Getaway (travelogue to Australia)
2024 Asian Academy Creative Awards, Best Supporting Actor (National Winner)
(All That Glitters) 亚洲影艺创意大奖 最佳男配角 金色大道
Star Awards, Best Supporting Actor, All That Glitters 红星大奖 最佳男配角 金色大道
Star Awards, Most Popular Rising Star 红星大奖 最受欢迎潜力星
Star Awards, My Pick! Most Hated Villain 红星大奖 最讨人厌大反派
2023 Star Awards, Most Popular Rising Star nomination 红星大奖 最受欢迎潜力星提名
2022 Star Awards, Best Supporting Actor nomination, Key Witness 红星大奖 最佳男配角提
Star Awards, Bioskin Most Charismatic Artiste Award nomination 红星大奖 最佳魅力提名
Star Awards, Most Attention Seeking New-Gen Host nomination 红星大奖 最抢镜新晋主
2021 Star Awards, Best Newcomer 红星大奖 最佳新人
2019 Star Search, Champion 才华横溢出新秀 冠军