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Tiffany Ho claimed victory in the grand finale of Mediacorp’s iconic talent discovery programme Star Search 2024, held on 24 November 2024. Sharing the spotlight were Gladys Bay and Jona Chung who claimed second and third place, respectively.  


Hosted by the dynamic duo Quan Yifong (权怡凤) and Jeff Goh, the live show showcased the Top 12 finalists competing in exciting segments that tested their charisma, body expression, spontaneous eloquence and acting skills. Their performances were evaluated by an esteemed panel of judges, including Sandra Ng (吴君如), Raymond Lam (林峯), and Christopher Lee (李铭顺).

由权怡凤 (Quan Yifong) 和 Jeff Goh 联合主持的决赛中,12强新秀在各项精彩环节中的激烈比拼充分展示了他们的个人魅力、肢体动作、临场反应以及演技。12强新秀的表现则由备受尊敬的评审团进行打分,评审团成员包括吴君如 (Sandra Ng)、林峯 (Raymond Lam) 和李铭顺 (Christopher Lee)。

The evening also included vibrant stage performances by Desmond Ng and Tasha Low, adding to the excitement of this memorable night.

此外,现场还特邀黄振隆 (Desmond Ng) 和刘怡伶 (Tasha Low) 献上精彩的表演,为这个难忘的夜晚增添更多亮点和活力。

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